SARMAC XIII Submissions

Below there is a Paper/Poster Submission Form and, below that, a Symposium Submission Form.

SARMAC aims for a conference program in which the substantial majority of the spoken papers are presented by established experts in applied cognition. Therefore, proposals for spoken papers by professionals will be prioritized over those by students. Submitters can indicate that although they prefer one format (e.g., spoken paper) they will accept an invitation to present in the other (e.g., a poster) if space in their preferred format is not available. 

Submissions are to be made by the presenting author of the proposed paper/poster (or by the organizer of a symposium), and that person will also serve as the corresponding author.  It is OK for the presenting author not to be the first author (e.g., a faculty member might present research from a student's thesis with the student as first author).  You may make more than one submission but if the schedule gets too tight we may limit the number of papers an individual is invited to present.  

NOTE: After you click "submit" you should get an immediate confirmation on the browser page that your submission has been received.  You will not receive another acknowledgement of receipt at this time.


Paper / Poster Submission Form


Symposium Proposal Submission form


A symposium is a focused session in which individual speakers present their research on a common issue. Symposia should have the dual goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful whole. A symposium includes a chair, three to four presenters, and a discussant (optional). Symposia are scheduled in 80-minute time slots and should allow for discussion among presenters and the audience. 

To Submit a Symposium — Enter the following information:

  • Symposium Title (required): The title should be descriptive as this will be listed without the abstract on many convention materials and attendees often build their convention schedules based on titles.

  • Organizer Information:

    • Symposium Organizer (required)

      • Name, E-mail Address, & Affiliation

    • Symposium Co-Organizer (optional)

      • Name, E-mail Address, & Affiliation

  • Abstract Describing the Symposium (100 word maximum)

  • Supporting Summary (700 word maximum, plain-text format)

  • Presenter Information:

    • Presenters 1, 2, & 3 (required)

      • Name, Affiliation, Co-Authors (5 maximum), Presentation Title, & Abstract (100 word maximum)

    • Presenter 4 (optional)

      • Name, Affiliation, Co-Authors (5 maximum), Presentation Title, & Abstract (100 word maximum)

    • Discussant (optional)

      • Name, Affiliation, Co-Authors (5 maximum), Presentation Title, & Abstract (100 word maximum)