SARMAC xiV — Nagoya, Japan (August 2023)

The fourteenth biennial conference was hosted by Hiroshi Ito and Steve Janssen in Nagoya, Japan. The conference was culturally and academically enriching, with once again almost 400 delegates from across the globe.
The keynote speakers were:
Dr. Akiyoshi Kitaoka
Dr. Margaret Bull Kovera
Dr. Maria Zaragoza
You can find keynotes presented at the conference on SARMAC’s Open Science Framework (OSF) page here.
Because much of the conference was organised through a third-party provider, please note that the webpages associated with the conference are no longer accessible. The Conference announcement and key dates remain accessible.

The thirteenth biennial conference was hosted by Ayanna K. Thomas and Linda Henkel in Cape Cod, MA. The conference was another great success, with almost 400 delegates from across the globe.
The keynote speakers were:
Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky
Dr. Susan Bluck
Dr. Simine Vazire
Dr. Steve Whittaker
You can find talks and posters presented at the conference on SARMAC’s Open Science Framework (OSF) page here.
The conference website is archived below:
Keynote Speakers; Conference Venue; Key Dates; Travel & Accommodation; Submissions; Presenter Guidelines; Registration; Program; Organizing Committees & Sponsors; Grants & Awards
The SARMAC Regional Meeting Down Under was designed to bring together academics and PhD students in Australia who share an interest in applied cognitive psychology research. The event organisers share a common interest in eyewitness research, however the meeting spanned a variety of research fields (e.g., forensic, cognitive, social). Over three days, attendees had the opportunity to develop skills in computational modelling and Bayesian analysis, participated in research presentations, and networked in a friendly and relaxed environment.
The Regional Meeting included three workshops, designed to develop computational modelling skills and the learning of new statistical techniques and software. In particular, Dr Carolyn Semmler delivered 'An Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Signal Detection Theory applications to Eyewitness Identification Data', and Associate Professor Nathan Weber delivered two workshops: 'An Introduction to Bayesian Analysis in Applied Psychology' and 'Using R to Visualise Data'.
Event hosts / organisers:
Dr. Jennifer Beaudry (Swinburne University of Technology)
Dr. James Sauer (University of Tasmania)
Dr. Matthew Palmer (University of Tasmania)
Dr. Carolyn Semmler (University of Adelaide)
Associate Professor Nathan Weber (Flinders University)
Professor Neil Brewer (Flinders University)
Alena Skalon, PhD student (Swinburne University of Technology)
Roy Groncki, PhD student (Swinburne University of Technology)
Laura Brumby, PhD student (University of Tasmania)
The twelfth biennial conference of SARMAC was hosted by Helen Paterson and Richard Kemp in Sydney, Australia. The conference was a great success and we are grateful to all of the delegates who attended. Together we achieved a friendly, informal, but very high quality conference experience that made the most of the beautiful Sydney location and the unique Australian culture.
Keynote speakers were:
Professor Neil Brewer
Professor Richard Bryant
Professor Maryanne Garry
Professor Elizabeth Loftus
Professor Qi Wang
The conference website is archived below >>
SARMAC XII home; Conference Venue; Key Dates; Keynote Speakers; Program; Travel Information; Presenter Guidelines; Registration; Organizing Committees & Sponsors; Contact Conference Organizers; Student Travel Grants.
SARMAC XI - victoria conference centre, Victoria, BC, canada (2015)

The eleventh biennial meeting of SARMAC was hosted by Don Read and Steve Lindsay, and held at The Victoria Conference Centre next to the Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC, Canada, June 24-27, 2015. The attendance was the largest ever, again to reach over 400, and the conference ended with a huge success.
The keynote speakers were:
Itiel Dror (Cognitive Forentics)
Marcia K. Johnson (Cognitive Neuroscience of Applied Memory)
Hal Pashler (Temporal Spacing to Increase Retention)
Dan Simons (Real-world Visual Attention)
The conference website is archived below >>
SARMAC XI home; Registration; Program; Hotels; Keynotes; Invited symposia; Workshops; WICS; Venue; Banquet Party; Victoria & Vancouver Island; Travel; Conference planning committees; Presentation guidelines; Sponsors; Registration options; Posters; Face Day; Contact.
The memorable tenth biennial meeting of SARMAC was hosted by Erasmus University, and held at Inntel Hotels Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 26-29, 2013. The conference was organized by Katinka Dijkstra. The attendance was the largest ever, and the conference was a huge success.
The keynote speakers were:
Geoff Cumming (The New Statistics: Estimation for Better Research)
Jutta Joorman (Cognitive Biases, Rumination, and Mood Regulation in Depression)
John Hibbing (Predisposed: The Deep Root of Political Difference)
Elizabeth Marsh (Acquiring Misconceptions: The Role of Knowledge Neglect)
Dorthe Berntsen (Involuntary and Voluntary Remembering of Trauma)
Jelte Wicherts (Fraud and Human Factors in Psychological Science)
Download program archives >>
Program Timetable
Paper presentations: June 27, June 28 and June 29.
Poster presentations: June 28 and June 29.
Download the minutes of the Board Meeting here >>
SARMAC IX - John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA (2011)
The ninth biennial meeting of SARMAC was hosted by John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and held in The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York City, June 27-29, 2011. The co-chairs of the conference organizing committee were Deryn Strange and Jennifer Dysart and the chair of the program committee was Deryn Strange.
The keynote speakers were:
Jonathan Schooler (The Decline Effect)
Carol Tavris (Mysteries of Communicating Science)
Keith Findley, Karl Ask & Gary Wells (Debate: Confirmation Bias in Legal Settings)
Scott Lillienfeld (Great Myths of Popular Psychology)
Henry Roediger (Using Retrieval Practice to Enhance Retention).
Download conference program here >>
SARMAC VIII - Kyoto, Japan (2009)
The eighth biennial meeting of the Society was held in Kyoto, Japan, July 26-30, 2009. The chair of the conference organizing committee was Yukio Itsukushima and the chair of the program committee was Kaz Mori.
The keynote speakers were:
Paula Hertel (Memory Distortions in Anxious and Depressed States)
Ryuta Kawashima (Bridges Between Neuroimaging and Society)
Cordelia Fine (Issues in the Interpretation and Reporting of Brain Science)
Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Trade-off Theory of Memory and Symbolization in Humans and Chimpanzees)
Randy Engle (Working Memory Capacity/Executive ATtention as both a State and a Trait Variable)
The conference archieve website is still up and running here.
Download conference program here>>
SARMAC VII - Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, USA (2007)
The seventh biennial meeting of the Society was held at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, USA, July 25-29, 2007. The chair of the conference organizing committee wasAmy Douglass.
The keynote speakers were:
Norbert Schwarz (Metacognitive Experiences in Debiasing Public Information Campaigns)
Mark Howe (False Memories in Childhood: The Role of Emotion, Stress and Maltreatment)
Craig Anderson (Violent Video Game Effects on Cognition, Affect and Behavior)
Suparna Rajaram (Autonoesis, Amnesia and Social Influences: A Functional View of Memory)
The conference website is still up and running here.
Download conference program here>>
SARMAC VI - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2005)
The sixth biennial meeting of the Society was held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, January 5-8, 2005. The chair of the conference organizing committee was Maryanne Garry.
The keynote spearkers were:
Mahzarin Banaji (Mind Bugs)
Roddy Roediger (The Power of Testing in Improving Educational Performance)
Michael Corballis (Cerebral Asymmetry: Theory and Application)
Harlene Hayne (Crayons in the Classroom: The Forensic Value of Children's Drawings)
Christopher Hertzog (Aging and Metacognition in Lab and Life)
Randy Engle (Working Memory Capacity: Cause and Effect)
Jim Flynn (Society Does not Do Factor Analysis: Limitations of the New WISC)
Download conference program here>>
SARMAC V - Aberdeen University, Scotland, UK (2003)
The fifth biennial meeting of the Society was held at Aberdeen University, Scotland, July 2-6, 2003. The conference was co-chaired by Lauren R. Shapiro, Amina Memon, Fiona Gabbert, and Rhiannon Ellis.
The keynote spearkers were:
Rod Lindsay (Radical Alternatives to Traditional Lineup Procedures)
Elizabeth Loftus (False Events of Memory)
Vicki Bruce (Improving Systems to Build Facial Images from Eyewitness Memories)
David Rubin (A Multimodal Memory Model for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition)
Peter Ornstein (Children's Memory Development)
Download conference program here >>
SARMAC IV - Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2001)
The fourth biennial meeting of the Society was held at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 12-14, 2001. The chair of the conference organizing committee was Rod Lindsay.
The keynote spearkers were:
Gary L. Wells (Five Elements for Successful Application of Research in Memory and Cognition)
David Payne (Truth in Memory: Data, Theory, and Implications of False Memory Research)
Download conference program here >>
First International Conference on Prospective Memory (2000)
The conference was held July 17-19, 2000 at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK (Hatfield Campus). A special issue of Applied Cognitive Psychology was published in 2001 based on selected papers presented at the conference.
SARMAC Mini-conference - Miami, Florida, USA (2000)
Following the invitation of Bob Bjork, President-elect of the American Psychological Society (APS), SARMAC held a mini-conference on Thursday, June 8, 2000, the day before the APS meeting in Miami.
See the program for the mini-conference here >>
SARMAC III - University of Colorado in Boulder, CO, USA (1999)
The third biennial meeting of the Society (SARMAC III) were held at the University of Colorado in Boulder, July 9-11, 1999. The chair of the conference organizing committee was Chuck Thompson and the chair of the program committee was Kathy Pezdek. The keynote speaker was Gary Wells on "System-Variables in Eyewitness Research: A Success Story."
View SARMAC III abstracts here >>
SARMAC II - Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1997)
The second biennial meeting of the Society (SARMAC II) were held at Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto, July 11-13, 1997. The meeting coordinator was John Turtle.
View SARMAC II abstracts here >>
SARMAC I - University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada (1995)
The first biennial meeting of the Society (SARMAC I) was held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, July 15-17, 1995. The chair of the conference organizing comittee was J. Don Read.
View SARMAC I abstracts here >>
Practical Aspects of Memory (PAM) Conference, Maryland, MD, USA (1994)
The final Practical Aspects of Memory (PAM) conference was held at the University of Maryland, July 31 - August 5, 1994.