Data Analysis
Statistical tools and tutorials
Annotated Output of different statistical techniques using different softwares (Stata, SAS, SPSS, Mplus, R)
Data analysis examples of different statistical techniques using different softwares (Stata, SAS, SPSS, Mplus, R)
The summarytools package (R). Provides summaries of variables in a data frame
Learning statistics with R
Learning statistics with R
Learning statistics with R
Library of R shiny apps for basic and advanced statistics
R Resources
Swirl: Package for learning R from inside R.
Slides and material for a SPSP “Introduction to R” workshop (Murphy)
French intro to tidyverse: Introduction à R et au tidyverse (Julien Barnier)
Datacamp: Great online courses.
Data skills for reproducible science (DeBruine)
Comprehensive book on R for data science
Facbook group “R Users psychology” with resources to learn R.
Using RMarkdown for integrating paper writing and data analysis (Michael C. Frank)
RMarkdown: the definitive guide.
Papaja: an add-on to RMarkdown that formats papers in line with APA style requirements. (Frederik Aust)
R Markdown Papaja Tutorial
citr: Rstudio addin for adding Markdown citations based on a library you specify. Supports Zotero (Frederik Aust)
Shiny Web Apps for designing experiments and analysing data
Resources for learning R by yourself (Sean Murphy)
JASP: A free R based statistical software that also performs bayesian tests. Easy to use.
Collection of resources on using JASP to do Bayesian stats
Undergraduate statistics with JASP (Erin Buchanan)
Jamovi: Similar to JASP but open source and with modular extensions
SPSS & SAS Macros
Data Preparation
data wrangling
Data wrangling in R using tidyverse (Susan Baert)
Codebook: an R package that creates a codebook based on an SPSS file
Resources for constructing codebooks
outliers / missing data
Rebutting misconceptions about multiple imputation
Detecting and handling outliers (Leys et al., 2019)
Argument against removing outliers (Bakker & Witchers, 2014)
Data Visualisation
General tips
R Data visualisation cheat sheet
Web generated data plots
Web generated box plots
When you don’t know how to present your data
Using graphs instead of tables in political science (Kastellec & Leoni)
Tools to enhance plots made by GGplots with results of statistical tests
A list of free tools for creating more transparent figures for small datasets
Examples of well formatted tables and graphs according to APA standards
Implementing Edward Tufte’s recommendations for cool looking graphs using R
Guide de démarrage pour GGPlot. French guide to ggplot
Tips on improving figures from a National Geographic science illustrator
Raincloud plots (alternative to bar plots) and resources for drawing them.
Johnson-Neyman Technique for interactions in Mplus
SEM charts
Visual displays of interactions
Resources for plotting interactions optimally with R (McCabe et al., 2018)
Making it pretty: Plotting 2-way interactions with GGplot2
Statistical Approaches / Theory
Common statistical myths
Compendium of methods/stats resources for psychologists
Small effects with big implications
Analyzing ordinal data with metric models: what could go wrong?
The dangers of averaging data (Morey)
probability theory
Seeing theory. Website using vizualizations to introduce to basic concepts in probability and stats.
Visual explanation of the central limit theorem
Visual introduction to probability and statistics
Things I’ve learned so far (Jacob Cohen). Covers core issues psychologists should be attuned to when conducting statistical analyses.
Misunderstandings in statistical inference and their impact on scientific progress (Goodman)
Explanation of degrees of freedom (Ron Dotsch)
Beyond Statistics: Testing the null in mature sciences (Morey et al.)
The philosophy of multiple comparisons (Tukey)
Statistical thinking for the 21st century textbook (Russ Poldrack). Covers basic statistical concepts with an emphasis on reproducibility
Correlations across individuals do not match correlations among the same variables within individuals (Fischer et al.)
Learn Statistics: materials from Erin Buchanan’s class.
Open access stat introductory textbook with great animated vizualizations coded in R & ggplot (Crump et al.)
Rpsychologist: All kinds of vizualisations of common statistical procedures.
The source of common errors in the interpretation of cutoff criteria for widely used stats (e.g. Cronbach's Alpha; Butts et al.)
Improving your statistical inferences (free online course by Daniel Lakens)
American Statistical Association’s statement on p values.
Understanding misconceptions about p values. (Lakens)
Fisher, Neymann-Pearson or NHST? A tutorial for teaching data testing (Perezgonzales et al.)
Justification for using parametric stats on likert scales when the sample size is low or the distribution far from normal (Geoff Norman)
p curve: Online tool and papers about evaluating publication bias or p-hacking (Simonsohn et al.)
Equivalence testing: Testing that the null is true without Bayes (Lakens)
Statistically Showing the Absence of an Effect: covers equivalence testing, power analysis & use of confidence intervals (Quertemont)
False expectations about the relation between p values and sample size with visualizations (Heino Matti)
Bayesian stats for beginners, including online calculators (Zoltan Dienes)
How to get the most of nonsignificant results? Bayesian approach (Zoltan Dienes)
Reasons for using a Bayesian approach (Rouder et al.)
Short intro to Bayesian stats with R examples (Fabian Dablander)
Tutorial for performing Bayesian t tests and ANOVAs (Richard Morey)
Statistical Rethinking: textbook on statistics from a Bayesian perspective.
Free resources including recorded lectures and slides (Richard McElreath)
BRMS: an R package for linear mixed models using a bayesian approach (Paul Buerkner)
estimation approach
Evaluating effect sizes in psychological research
Design Specific Resources
Regression / GLM
One simple effect is significant, the other not but no interaction (Gelman)
Using covariates when testing for interactions. (Yzerbyt et al.)
Misunderstandings surrounding the interpretation of ANCOVA (Miller and Chapman)
Guide to partial Least Square Regression
Why Welch t-test is better than Student's t test (Delacre et al.)
The perfect t-test. R program that reports the results of a t-test completely formatted, with graphs, tests of assumptions, etc. (Lakens)
Simple linear regression lessons
Categorical variables coding for linear regression in R.
Contrast coding for testing interactions (Abelson)
Ordinal regression tutorial with BRMS (Paul Bruekner)
Tutorial on logistic regression.
Mixed models
Mixed Models: Introduction to treating stimuli as random factors and code for common statistical software (Westfall et al.)
Review chapter on mixed models chapter by the same authors addressing various research designs
Significance testing in lme4
Should you fit the “maximal model”? Parsimony in model construction. (Bates et al.)
Centering predictors in mixed models. (Enders & Tofighi)
Multilevel logistic regression with scripts in R, Stata, MPlus and SPSS (Sommet and Morselli)
Variance measures for multilevel models. (LaHuis et al.)
Mixed models using R (Winters)
Code for testing repeated measures designs in R
Mediation / moderation
Multilevel mediation macro
Mplus syntax for single- and multi-level mediation
Mplus syntax for mediation, moderation, & moderated mediation
Testing indirect effects in mediation models (Yzerbyt et al., 2018)
Simple overview of mediation (Kenny)
Broad overview of mediation and moderation (Judd et al., 2014).
Interactions do not tell us when but also tell us how. (Jacoby & Sassenberg, 2011)
When is mediation analysis is warranted? (Pieters DATE)
Why testing reverse mediation to check for directionality is a terrible idea (Gollwitzer et al.)
Why testing reverse mediation to check for directionality is a terrible idea (Thoemmes)
Twitter discussion on why mediation analyses shouldn’t be reported as process evidence
APIM app
Two-level dynamic SEM primer
Partial Least Square Regression guide
Statistical and practical concerns with research featuring structural equation modeling (Goodboy & Kline)
Meta analysis
Best practices for reviews & meta-analyses
Meta-analysis common problems
Metafun: excel spreadsheet that allows you to implement meta-analysis in R using the “Metafor” package
Meta-analysis on SPSS. See Andy Field’s paper.
Computing the meta-analytic effect size manually. (Goh et al., 2016)
Designing and interpreting funnel plots
Video on how to conduct a mixed effect meta-analysis in R
Network analysis
Multilevel vs. SEM for longitudinal modeling
Multilevel modeling for intensive longitudinal data
Multilevel modeling beginner tutorials & resources
Multilevel textbook recommendations
Introduction to using thematic analysis in psychology. (Braun & Clarke)
Three approaches to qualitative Content Analysis. (Hsieh & Shannon)
Discourse analysis resources recommended by Theofilos Gkinopoulos
Using interpretative repertoires for discursive psychology (Reynolds & Wetherell, 2003)
Automated text analysis in psychology (Iliev et al., 2014).
Methods for diagnostic agreement
Cross-lagged models
Critical takes on cross-lagged models
More critical takes on cross-lagged models
Cross-lagged panel resources
Latent variable analysis
Latent class/mixture models in Mplus
Latent variable analysis resources
Multiple imputation for three-level & cross-classified data
Big Data
General Tools
Effect size calculators
Critical value calculations
Effect size calculator
Effect size converter
Effect sizes in education research
Effect size primer for t-tests & ANOVAs
Introduction to estimating and reporting effect size (Lakens)
User friendly effect size calculator (Wood)
Comprehensive online app for computing effect sizes based on a variety of designs and measurement levels (Buchanan et al.)
Converting effect sizes (e.g., from d to eta square, etc)
Learning to use GitHub. Module 5 of an Open Science MOOC.
Githbub for R users (Jenny Brian)